Thursday, September 27, 2018


If the Kavanaugh hearing accomplishes nothing else, it's at least got this going for it.  It's grown a spine for South Carolina senator Lindsey Graham.

An angry Lindsey Graham unloaded on his Senate colleagues during the Christine Blasey Ford-Brett Kavanaugh hearing Thursday, declaring during the questioning phase of Kavanaugh's testimony, "This is the most unethical sham since I've been in politics" and later telling his Republican colleagues that anyone who votes against confirming Kavanaugh as the newest Supreme Court justice is "legitimizing the most despicable thing I have seen in my time in politics." During the rant, he also shot off the question, "Are you a gang rapist?" to which Kavanaugh replied, "No."


  1. Good for Lindsey Graham! It's been amusing to see the tweets accusing him of "toxic masculinity."

    On a serious note, may I tell you when I cried? It's when Kavanaugh described having to tell his young daughters about these allegations. His wife's face, near tears, was visible over his shoulder. And then he said his younger daughter reminded them that they should pray for the woman. He's raising a Christian!

    Democrats have not only behaved immorally towards Kavanaugh and his family, they have abused Ford. Feinstein had the temerity to say her staff didn't leak the letter, and it must have been Ford's friends!

  2. I just watched the full video of Lindsey Graham's statement. Awesome!

  3. I need to rethink my opinion of Lindsey Graham. And that is a good thing.

  4. Comes the dawn, as they say. Could very well be that Sen. Graham has finally figured out what the Democratic Party is all about.

  5. Graham is continuing to be excellent today. And Flake has announced a "yes" vote, was immediately trapped in an elevator with the door held open by a mob of screaming female protesters.

  6. Seriously. Whoever thought Lindsey Graham would turn into the real lion of the Senate? :-)
