Wednesday, October 3, 2018


The more I think about it, the more I'm coming to believe that getting run from Twitter for reasons known only to them was the best thing that's happened to me in a very long time.  It just isn't psychologically good for anyone to get angry about, never mind argue with, the weapons-grade stupidity regularly found all over that ridiculous platform.  Case in point.

All I’m saying is if they have the ability to make a national #PresidentialAlert why can’t they make a national voter registration alert with a link that automatically registers you to vote?


  1. I read Twitter some, but I never registered, so I didn't have to deal with rude people replying to me, always assuming anyone paid any attention to me at all. I'm still appalled at how many people are willing to be complete jerks or display their abysmal ignorance for all to see.

    I got that presidential alert this afternoon. So if there's a national nuclear attack, I'll know? Or, if there's an EMP attack, my phone won't work anyhow. I understand this has been in the works for a long time, not related to Trump at all. Not that this will stop the loony left from making something out of it.

  2. Twitter is a great place for the Id to reside.
