Friday, October 5, 2018


Summing up.

There are a lot of reporters angry right now because they sacrificed all their credibility hoping to stop Kavanaugh. They seemingly failed to do that, and that credibility will never be regained. They deserve their fate.

I wouldn't blame Trump if he never held another presser.  What would be the point?  American "journalists" hate Trump with a psychotic, corrosive hatred and the only way they could be clearer about it is if they publicly admitted, "Yeah, we despise the guy and every single one of his supporters.  And we're going to do everything we possibly can not only to oppose Trump and everyone who works for or takes a position from him but to personally destroy them all."

So Sarah Huckabee Sanders may not have much to do over the next six years.  Wouldn't surprise me if Trump limited his press availability to guys like Brit Hume or Jake Tapper, if Trump's feeling generous. After all, what's the point of talking to anyone who's decided going in that you're the Devil (and I'm looking at you, Jim Acosta)? And if Trump's taught us nothing else, we know he knows how to go over the heads of "journalists" directly to the American people.

Take it from someone who got let go from his job six years ago because it was no longer relevant or necessary and who hasn't worked since.  You have two choices.  Either figure Trump out or get used to not having stuff.

UPDATE: This is kind of why, Jimmy.  Last I heard, "journalists" didn't have sides.

With a single speech, Sen. Collins, announcing her support for Kavanaugh, has paved the way for a much more conservative Supreme Court for the next generation. Abortion rights, gay rights, climate change, and health care reform could well be impacted for decades to come.

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