Thursday, October 11, 2018


Claire McCaskill's a lot of things but the one thing Claire McCaskill isn't is anywhere near as bonecrushingly stupid as Arizona Democratic senatorial candidate Krysten Sinema.

The "crazy" lines aren't helpful, especially when she attributes her state's supposed insanity to one factor: "They're called Republicans," eliciting laughter and applause from a leftist crowd. Remember, she's trying to run as a moderate, cross-partisan uniter.  Part of her potential victory coalition must include a chunk of Republican voters.  But the most brutal line is this one, delivered in an out-of-state speech to liberal activists:

"I want to talk to you about some of the things that I think that you can do to stop your state from becoming Arizona.”

Sinema is asking Arizonans to elect her to represent them. She thinks they're crazy people and that other states should go out of their way to avoid being like her own constituents.  And this speech was delivered well after she undertook her ideological makeover project.  If Arizona Republican and right-leaning voters are ever going to coalesce around McSally, the Kavanaugh fight should be a clarifying catalyst; both Arizona Senators cast crucial confirmation votes.  And now, here's the Democrat in the race insulting both them specifically, and their state generally.  Talk about motivating factors.  Bigger picture, if Republicans can lock down either Arizona or Nevada -- the two states in which Democrats have the best shot at Senate gains -- it's game over.  The GOP will retain control of the upper chamber.

UPDATE: Krystie wuvs Arizona DIS MUCH.

1 comment:

  1. This, after the spread of the photo of Sinema in a pink tutu protesting the Iraq war. If she wins, all I can say is that Arizona isn't the same place it was in my childhood.
