Tuesday, October 16, 2018


Seems my senniner hasn't been honest.

Project Veritas released another bombshell video on Monday night, this time showing Missouri Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill and her staff saying that she supports strict gun control measures, but that she couldn’t express that outwardly or she wouldn’t get reelected.

I have this rule about Missouri politics which I call the Jean Carnahan Rule.  It goes like this. Any liberal Democratic candidate who goes out of his or her way to be photographed shooting a gun is toast here.  When Carnahan ran for reelection against Jim Talent and I saw a picture of Jean shooting a gun somewhere, I immediately called the state for the GOP.

Claire's not stupid; she knows that this stance is fatal here.  So if you see a picture or a video of her shooting a rifle or something, figure Missouri as a GOP pickup and tell Josh Hawley to start hiring his Washington office staff.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure you're shocked, shocked to learn that McCaskill isn't campaigning honestly.
