Saturday, October 6, 2018


Considering his uncanny ability to drive otherwise-sane people absolutely bat-crap insane with DiMaggio-like effortlessness, Donald Trump already has a claim on the title of greatest American president.  According to this person (previously appearing here), you're not a woman simply because you have a va-jay-jay.  Correct opinions are all that matters in identifying anyone's sex.

You may have female parts but you are no woman @SenatorCollins and we who are don’t want anything to do with you.

RELATED: The Josef Mengele Fan Club is also bent about today's vote.


  1. I take back whatever negative things I said prior to Trump's nomination. Glad to be wrong

  2. Trump's still got time to blow it. But he's not going to as long as leftists keep letting him live rent-free inside their heads.

  3. I'm going to have to send a donation to Collins if she chooses to run again. The leftist vilification and slander machine is running at high speed.

    No man, or no woman, should have a lifetime of achievement and good reputation ruined over a claim of an event decades before which cannot be corroborated.
