Wednesday, October 10, 2018


It's entirely possible that the GOP is running a little smack here.  But if any of this is accurate, it's also entirely possible that Claire McCaskill's internal polls are cratering and that she's in far worse shape than the "official" polls are letting on.

Claire McCaskill loves to crow about her town hall meetings. But with the election quickly approaching, it seems McCaskill is getting a bit shy about letting Missourians hear what she has to say.

Yesterday in Kansas City, McCaskill held an event at a public library advertised as a “Town hall meeting with US Senator Claire McCaskill” that was open to the public. But when McCaskill walked out to begin the event and spotted a camera, she quickly walked back to talk to organizers who then announced that no filming would be permitted, despite acknowledging that members of the public were welcome at the event.

As I said back here, there are two places to keep an eye on when watching a state-wide Missouri election, the St. Louis and the Kansas City suburbs.  The cities of St. Louis and Kansas City are both solidly Democratic while most of the rest of the state is red and is going to be for the foreseeable future.

The 'burbs are generally in play.

If she wants another Senate term, Claire's going to have to figure out a way to get her supporters out to the polls in large enough numbers to counteract the voting supporters of her opponent, Josh Hawley.  And it's not that it can't be done.  Hawley's not that impressive a candidate at all but he's got one major advantage going for him.

He's not Todd Akin.

Which brings us back to Claire.  If us Pukes were enthusiastic about her candidacy, you'd think that she'd encourage everyone attending a Kansas City town hall to film away and post their video to YouTube or give people a way to upload their videos directly to McCaskill's campaign web site and give her some free campaign pub.

But video was forbidden.  Which speaks volumes.


  1. Glad you are shed of Todd Akin. Here in Virginia, the local GOP stuck us with Corey Stewart.

  2. ur, I read that the Republican vote was heavy in Northern Virginia, especially Fairfax County, in the primary. Since you don't have party registration, it is likely that a lot of Democrats voted for Stewart to avoid a better candidate's nomination.
