Saturday, October 6, 2018


If the Republicans found as much footage of the following as they possibly could and broadcast it all over the country, the mid-terms would be over the next day.

I was in the Senate gallery this afternoon when Justice Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed.  You would have thought I was at an exorcism in an insane asylum.
Perhaps you were watching on television and heard the disruptions, though you certainly didn’t see them.  The attenuated audio probably didn’t catch the frightening, incoherent shrieking – including the lingering screaming and howling as they were being dragged down the hallways outside the gallery.
The first example  came when Senator Cornyn rightfully railed against the mobs who spent the last three weeks assaulting and assailing Kavanaugh supporters.
“Mob rule is necessary,” one shrieking woman shouted before security personnel could settle her down.
Another crazed woman later screamed, “I will not consent, I will not consent, I will not consent, I will not consent." She was like a feminist automaton: “I will not consent, I will not consent.”  Capitol Police were less forgiving and dragged her out the doors and down the hallway.
Then the roll was called, and it sounded like the gates of hell opened up.
Nearly a dozen women erupted in unison, shouting, howling, screaming, in an unrecognizable venomous wail.  They wouldn’t stop.  There was fury, rage, hate, poison in the noise.
It wasn't prose.  It wasn't song. It was a swarming, shrill, swirling noise.
Nothing they were yelling and howling could be heard.  It was the sound of all of them, in discordant, rage-fueled, wild fury that was so unearthly.  I have never heard a sound like it before.

1 comment:

  1. I really don't think all these screaming women were a good look for the left. I saw a video of a "training" session before one of these protests, with a man saying lines of what they were going to do and all the women in the group repeating the lines like a bunch of robots. The party treating women like trained slaves is the Dems, not the Republicans.

    Besides, it's embarrassing to me to see so many women being complete fools on national TV. There are lots of women who don't behave like that, honest there are.
