Saturday, October 27, 2018


Look at it this way, Claire.  At the very least, you'll come out of this with a lobbying gig with Murder Inc. Sons Of Nazi Concentration Camp Guards Pol Pot Was Right And You Know It Cooking With Baby Parts Planned Parenthood.  Won't be much help to that money-grubbing sack of crap you're married to but if you want to make an omelette and all that.

There’s brutal and then there’s BRUTAL and this is the latter.

During a Missouri Senate debate, Democrat incumbent Claire McCaskill was busted in a bald-faced lie.

The issue of Project Veritas’ undercover videos arose during the debate. McCaskill accused Hawley of being involved in the videos and then all but demanded Hawley (the state’s AG) investigate Project Veritas.

Again, Hawley denied being involved in the videos and said, “and to accuse me of fraud, which is what Senator McCaskill did. She said that I committed fraud. That I participated in a fraud. She said that on television."

McCaskill interrupted him and said, “I didn’t say that on television.”

SPOILER: She said that on television.

“Well, it is startling that Josh Hawley would be part of fraudulently embedding somebody in my campaign. He’s the Attorney General of the state of Missouri. He’s supposed to be going after fraud, not participating in it,” she said. On television.

Mad props, as always, to Katherine.

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