Tuesday, October 23, 2018


In case you ever need a definition of that term.

Key differences between Donald Trump and Adolph Hitler--Hitler served honorably in the military, Trump didn't; Hitler was faithful to his wife, Trump cheated on all his wives; Hitler wrote a book, Trump's were all ghostwritten.


  1. Y'know, Hitler killed six million people in concentration camps, and that doesn't count all the soldiers and civilians on all sides of the wars he started, wars of territorial aggression. Comparing Trump to him is just stupid.

  2. Blogger seems to have decided I'm a problem. It keeps giving me images to click on to "verify" I'm not a robot. Some of the images are so fuzzy I can't see them.

  3. Sorry about that, Katherine. I guess it tends to do that; that's why this site is temporary. I don't know if it matters but I ignore all that stuff and it publishes my comments anyway.

  4. Chris, at Ad Orientem, Blogger recognizes regular contributors & stops annoying with the "I am not a robot" stuff. Well, at least for a while. From time to time, it does put you thru it again. At your site, it has not yet recognize me.

    For what it is worth.

  5. I don't mind, Chris. It's certainly better for you than what you used to have to go through to clear out the spam filters at the old site.
