Monday, October 8, 2018


Quick question, Ed.  Have you gotten rid of your family wheels yet?

Climate change is not a political issue up for debate, it's an impending catastrophe that can only be averted with immediate & unprecedented action. This @UN report proves that the world does not have time for climate change deniers in positions of power.

I got rid of my car (truck, actually).  I was kind of forced to.  What with losing my job during the Obamaconomy six years ago this December and living on a small inheritance my dad left me ever since, I couldn't afford to keep my ride going any longer.

In fact, the reason why I live where I currently do is that my place is within walking distance of a couple of markets/pharmacies.  My life's pretty dull as a result; all my days are like all my other days and I can't do too much more than pay the rent and the bills and put food on the table.

Mind you, I've got no complaints.  You play the hand you're dealt in your life and I'm nowhere near a good-enough liar that I can make myself believe that I am where I am because I'm being ground down by the Big-Money BoysTM or something.

But I seem to have digressed.  Anyway, since I no longer have a car and I assume you still do, that makes me a better human being, climatologically speaking, than you are since I'm not the one pumping Lord knows what into the atmosphere every single time I drive over to some Southie bar and spend the evening knocking back one Bushmills after another until closing.

Ed?  On the issue of global warming/climate change/the worldwide anchovy shortage/whatever, I follow the teaching of Glenn Reynolds.  I'll believe this is a crisis and agree with what "we" need to do about the crisis when the people who claim it's a crisis start acting like it's a crisis.

Not before.

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