Tuesday, October 9, 2018


The Democrats find their savior.

It didn't work out so well the first time, but John Kerry might be preparing to challenge yet another incumbent Republican president in 2020.

The former secretary of state and 2004 Democratic presidential candidate recently spoke with Politico, and it certainly sounded like he's weighing a presidential run. In the interview, Kerry helpfully pointed out that he's only run (and lost) one time. “I've only done it once, unlike a lot of people who've been out there, and came pretty close," Kerry said, referencing his 286-251 electoral vote loss to President George W. Bush. When asked specifically if he's going to run in 2020, Kerry gave pretty much the answer you'd expect from a guy who is seriously considering it, saying he hasn't "eliminated anything in my life."

PLEASE do this.

UPDATE: The Democrats reach out.