Wednesday, November 14, 2018


Seems that noted women's champion Mikey Nats has been a bad boy.

Michael Avenatti, who became famous for representing Stormy Daniels in her battle with President Trump, has been arrested for felony domestic violence ... law enforcement sources tell TMZ.

Our law enforcement sources say Avenatti was arrested Wednesday after a woman filed a felony DV report. We're told her face was "swollen and bruised" with "red marks" on both cheeks.

Our sources say the alleged incident occurred Tuesday night, but there was another confrontation Wednesday between the two at an exclusive apartment building in the Century City area of L.A. 

We're told Wednesday afternoon the woman was on the sidewalk on her cellphone with sunglasses covering her eyes, sobbing and screaming on the phone, "I can't believe you did this to me.  I'm going to get a restraining order against you."

We're told security brought her inside the building, took her upstairs and Michael showed up 5 minutes later and ran into the building. He screamed repeatedly, "She hit me first." We're told he angrily added, "This is bulls***, this is f***ing bulls***."  We're told he tried getting into the elevator but security denied him access.


  1. Oops. There goes the presidential run, as if that was ever serious. "Creepy porn lawyer" is the right description for him. Plus, his client, who called Tucker Carlson's daughter ugly names in a Virginia restaurant, turns out to be a Board member of a "women's rights" charity. Heh.

  2. I am sorry that he flamed out so soon. Imagine the distraction he would have provided to the Democratic field come 2020.
