Monday, November 12, 2018


If you spend any time there, you'll soon realize that the largest collection of blinkered, philistine, pig-ignorant stupidity on face of the Earth is Twitter.  Mitigated, somewhat, by the conservatives @jack allows to remain on his little platform.  One of those currently isn't me, @TheRealCSJ, and I still don't know why I and my 300-some-odd followers got shown the door.

But every now and then, you'll run across something there that you can only describe as a bottom-of-the-ninth, walk-off grand slam home run. 

For example.

Forget Year Zero. It's Day Zero when it comes to Trump. Everything he says and does has never, ever been said or done before. I'm astounded that presumably intelligent adults are saying this with a straight face.

Ballgame.  Thanks for playing. 

I'm not astounded by any of this.  If your profession spent eight years ignoring or justifying EVERY SINGLE THING OBAMA DID WHILE IN OFFICE, you've got no right to complain when Obama's successor does the same thing to you.

Might want to sit this one out, Chuck Todd.

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