Saturday, November 24, 2018


People in this country don't give a diarhetical crap whether or not people in other countries consider American presidents to be "legitimate."

Howard Dean, a former Vermont governor and 2004 Democratic presidential candidate, said Thursday that America's perception in the world isn't suffering too badly under President Trump because many don't see him as the nation's legitimate leader.
"I think people don’t actually really consider Trump a legitimate president," Dean said on MSNBC. "He was obviously elected and all this business, but he does not represent American values. George W. Bush did represent American values and our numbers went down as a result."

"I think people are beginning to understand that Trump does not represent American values," he continued. "He doesn’t even really represent the values of most people who voted for him."

Yeah, just keep telling yourself that, HoDo.

1 comment:

  1. His style may not match some of his voters' values, but his policies do.
