Sunday, November 4, 2018


Be my guest, dumbass.  Run on this.

That’s why we need to ban civilian firearms and make illegal possession a capital crime. Publicly execute a few hundred thousand illegal gun owners and the rest will get the message


  1. I think this theory was tried in several communist states in the twentieth century. Is that really what leftists want? It may be, which is a chilling thought.

    And I had to go through six "verify" frames this time. Obviously this software doesn't learn who's not a robot.

  2. Remember that durning the century just past one hundred million souls perished at the hands of the socialist experiment. And for no other reason than that they were underfoot, that they were in the way of the Perfect State.

  3. Hah, I made it thru verify in in one frame!!

  4. The tweet has been taken down. Who said it?

  5. Some Twitter rando. Sorry about that, should have screen-capped it.
