Wednesday, November 21, 2018


Long story short, it's as simple as it can possibly be.  The American people prefer their presidents to actually like the country they wish to lead.

Former President Barack Obama said "racism" and "mommy issues," among other contributors, were limiting the country's ability to make progress on everything from education to climate change.

Obama, speaking at the Obama Foundation Summit on Monday night, said the answers already exist to solve many of the problems facing both the U.S. and the world, but that the nation was not making progress "because we are still confused, blind, shrouded with hate, anger, racism, mommy issues."

The former president said people "literally can remake the world right now," which "badly needs remaking."

And let's be honest.  The GOP's institutional "conservatives," in the party and out of it, knew who Obama was back in 2008.  So who did they run against him?  John McCain, the most institutional candidate possible.

Who, as we all know, lost.  So who did big-league Republicanism put forward against Obama four years later?  Mitt Romney, a liberal Republican that the party unsuccessfully attempted to pass off as a jen-yoo-wine conservative.

Who also lost, which gained Obama four more years to lead a country that he and his party basically detest. 

Isn't that a bit strong, Chris?

Not at all.  If you live in Missouri, you just got done seeing it if you saw any of Claire McCaskill's campaign ads.  Claire talking to Missouri farmers.  Claire and Missouri's veterans.  Claire running for the tall grass rather than associating with the national Democratic Party.

If she'd gone back to the Senate, Claire would have immediately resumed her position as one of Chuck Schumer's wind-up toys and would have immediately forgotten that a place called Missouri actually exists and that Missourians live there.

Lather, rinse, repeat.  In American politics, six years is forever. 

Bottom line?  I'm not going to vote for anybody who's implicitly or explicitly embarrassed or humiliated to share a nationality with me. 

Which is why you got Trump.


  1. I'm relaxing after cooking a turkey dinner (soup on the stove) and reading Kurt Schlicter's "Militant Normals." Yup, Chris, you've got it right. We got Trump because he was the only one listening to and talking to real Americans outside the liberal bubbles on the coasts.

  2. Chris, OT, but what is going on between Soros & Zuckerberg? Sounds pretty musical to me.

  3. No idea, ur. Kind of fascinating though.
