Sunday, December 16, 2018


To paraphrase Mark Twain, if you don't like "food science," wait a minute.

Unless you eat organ meats, fish eggs, bugs or blubber — items most civilized people find repulsive — you are missing out on essential nutrients that can be found only in grass-fed butterfat, argues the “politically incorrect” nutrition organization, the Weston A. Price Foundation.

Within the last century, “Diet Dictocrats” have decided that saturated fats, butter chief among them, are to blame for heart disease and cancer, WAP cofounder Sally Fallon says in an article titled “Why Butter is Better.

“Isolated Swiss villagers placed a bowl of butter on their church altars, set a wick in it, and let it burn throughout the year as a sign of divinity in the butter. Arab groups also put a high value on butter, especially deep yellow-orange butter from livestock feeding on green grass in the spring and fall. American folk wisdom recognized that children raised on butter were robust and sturdy; but that children given skim milk during their growing years were pale and thin, with ‘pinched’ faces.”

Heart disease was rare in America at the turn of the 20th century, Fallon notes, but between 1920 and 1960, it became America’s number one killer. During the same period, butter consumption plummeted from 18 pounds per person per year to four.

“It doesn’t take a Ph.D. in statistics to conclude that butter is not a cause,” Fallon writes.

In 2015, American butter consumption reached a 40-year-high of 5 pounds per person per year, Fallon noted. New Zealanders consumed 24 pounds!

Meanwhile, only 1 in 20 adults in New Zealand has heart disease, compared to 1 in 4 Americans.

That means New Zealanders consume 5 times as much butter as Americans and have a fifth of the heart disease.

Look.  This is not Asgard and you are not (at the moment) immortal.  SOMETHING is going to kill you eventually.  So here's an idea. 

Stay out of my life.

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.  Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.


  1. See a documentary called Fat Head by Tom Naughton which among other things debunks Spurlock's Super Size Me. Spurlock claimed he was eating 5000 calories a sitting at MacDonalds, which a person would really have to gorge himself to achieve. We don't know because either Spurklock refuses to release his food diary or (more likely), never bothered to keep one.

  2. In February I began eating a low carbohydrate, high fat diet. Lots of butter, eggs, fish, meat, and vegetables which grow above the ground, preferably sautéed in butter or served with a cream sauce. My cholesterol count and all other heart attack risk measurements are, in my doctor's word, "Awesome."

  3. Although I am under no illusions that my new diet and restored good health render me immortal.
