Saturday, December 15, 2018


Slate?  You spelled "homosexual" wrong.

In a September interview with GQ, Paul McCartney revealed that he and John Lennon once masturbated together when they were growing up in Liverpool. According to McCartney, they were with a group of their friends at John’s house: “The lights were out, and somebody started masturbating, so we all did.” The rock legend went on to qualify that “it wasn’t a big thing. … But it was good harmless fun. It didn’t hurt anyone.” 
Predictably, McCartney’s quote about the circle jerk hit the Twittersphere, comedians trotted out their best Beatles-themed masturbation jokes, and the whole, uncomfortable matter seemed to go away within a few days. But while everyone was laughing, there was one place where people took the revelation that two of the Beatles once beat off together very seriously: the website known as BateWorld.
I will admit to conducting the New York Philharmonic on many occasions but I never thought that it was EVER "good, harmless fun."  It was always something that you profusely repented to God for and if I'd ever thought that someone else was there in the room with me, either physically or virtually, while I was playing the back nine at Sawgrass, you wouldn't know my name.