Thursday, December 20, 2018


Guess who really doesn't like pregnant women.

As a medical assistant at Planned Parenthood, Ta’Lisa Hairston urged pregnant women to take rest breaks at work, stay hydrated and, please, eat regular meals.
Then she got pregnant and couldn’t follow her own advice.
Last winter, Ms. Hairston told the human-resources department for Planned Parenthood’s clinic in White Plains, N.Y., that her high blood pressure was threatening her pregnancy. She sent the department multiple notes from her nurse recommending that she take frequent breaks.
Managers ignored the notes. They rarely gave her time to rest or to take a lunch break, Ms. Hairston said.
“I had to hold back tears talking to pregnant women, telling them to take care of their pregnancies when I couldn’t take care of mine,” she said. “It made me jealous.”

Discrimination against pregnant women and new mothers remains widespread in the American workplace. It is so pervasive that even organizations that define themselves as champions of women are struggling with the problem.
That includes Planned Parenthood, which has been accused of sidelining, ousting or otherwise handicapping pregnant employees, according to interviews with more than a dozen current and former employees.
I know, right?  The New York Times accidentally committing journalism?  But I guess I understand Murder Inc.'s frustration.  Look at all the baby organs it can't sell.  In other news, the years of leftist curses leveled at Chick-fil-A and anyone who walks into one have taken a serious toll on that chain.
Despite ongoing criticism from activists, fast food chain Chick-fil-A is projected to become the third-largest restaurant chain in the U.S., according to an analysis from Kalinowski Equity Research.

The fast food chicken chain will rise from its seventh-place spot to rank as the third-largest U.S. restaurant chain by 2018’s close, according to the group’s research, Business Insider reported.

“We have long pointed out that Chick-fil-A is the restaurant competitor with which McDonald’s … should most concern itself — and by extension, investors should, too,” analyst Mark Kalinowski wrote in his report.

If there was one within walking distance, I'd eat there every single day, probably more than once.  Finally, Missouri's soon-to-be-former US senator Claire McCaskill just doesn't get it.

“I think those people who are upset that I wasn’t talking about [abortion] — shame on them if they don’t know my voting record, and shame on them that they’re not working as hard as they can for me and not trashing me because of my voting record in a hard state,” she said defiantly.

“What do you want to say to them?” asked the host.

“Shut up!” said McCaskill, obviously frustrated. “You know, really? I mean, this is hard. It would be one thing if I had ever wavered, but I’ve had to take a lot of tough votes over the years on this issue.”

Adding that she has been “standing the breach” all her adult life, McCaskill said: “The fact that these young women didn’t realize that and just be quiet, roll up their sleeves, and work their ass off for me is just beyond irritating. Can you tell?”

Yeah, that's what beat you, Claire.  The pro-abortion crowd in Missouri didn't work hard enough.


  1. Chik fil-A is good stuff as far as fast food goes, the employees are conscientious, AND it's mere existence makes Leftists froth at the mouth. It's win-win-win. Kinda like buying the Israeli-made SodaStream at Wal-Mart. :)

  2. People who think Planned Parenthood is actually a "champion of women" and "choice" for women are fooling themselves. They stand for dead babies and the fees the killing and selling bring in.

    Nice to know Claire won't be in the Senate any more.
