Monday, December 31, 2018


I got a Masters from this joke...sigh.

For years, we have been told that one must receive “affirmative consent” before anything of a dating or sexual nature takes place. Critics of such policies, such as this reporter, have often wondered what would happen if the mere ask is unwanted, does that also constitute sexual harassment or assault?

Now we appear to have our answer: Yes.

When a Mizzou official was questioned regarding a case where a black male Ph.D. candidate at the school asked out a white female fitness trainer, she bizarrely suggested that the fact that the male student was larger than the female student gave him “power over her” and violated school policy.



  1. On the face of it, it's ridiculous. However, other reports indicate there was more to it than just asking her out. MIzzou reportedly had solid evidence of an extended stalking campaign on the part of the guy. That's not the same as simply asking her out once.

  2. Maybe. But I'm going to reserve judgment because it's not like Central Missouri Community College has much in the way of credibility anymore.

  3. If there's stalking, that's a crime of either criminal harassment or criminal menace, in which case the cops need to be called. And that's what's really disturbing here: Title IX offices are becoming an alternative legal system with a much more cavalier attitude toward due process. I'll say it again, because colleges are gatekeepers to desirable employment and make students run a gauntlet of PC nonsense, they need to be the target of RICO investigations.

  4. An article about this, which contains links to the male student's lawsuit, describing his behavior, which I have to admit I would have found somewhat unsettling:

    The Mizzou official's comment about the relative sizes of the the guy and the girl would only make some kind of sense in the context of her becoming increasingly uneasy about this (large) guy pursuing a relationship she had made clear she didn't want. Taken without context, though, the comment is weird.

  5. I am so glad I am officially an old fart and don't have to worry about dating anymore.

    Perhaps if there were rules of dating that were acceptable to everyone!

    1. No patty-fingers until the sixth week of dating. (holding hands, caressing etc)
    2. No Alcohol, until you are married. Let all of us be clear and level headed.
    3. No drugs ever, at all, period.
    4. All political, religious and social beliefs must be included in the first date. If it offend you to be near a conservation hard working person who believes in the Constitution, mom, apple pie and other such things, fin it out early.
    5. Not sweat the small stuff and don't pet the hairy stuff.

    What is happening at many US Campuses is tragic. Everyone is so ready today to take offense and to prosecute the imagined or real offense.

    Stop being a victim, assert yourself, stop being a wimp.
