Wednesday, December 5, 2018


Good luck running on "Americans are retards" in two years, Democrats.

Sen. Mazie Hirono (Dumbass., Hawaii) said Tuesday that Democrats have a hard time connecting with voters because they "know so much" and need to tell people "how smart" they are.

Hirono's comments came at the Bend Towards Justice conference in Washington, D.C., where journalist Dahlia Lithwick asked the senator how Democrats can make voters care more about the judicial system.

"I wish I had the answer to that, because one of the things that we Democrats have a really hard time is connecting to people's hearts instead of here," Hirono said, pointing to her brain. "We're really good at shoving out all the information that touches people here," she continued, again pointing to her head, "but not here," she said, touching her chest.

"I have been saying at all of our Democratic Senate retreats that we need to speak to the heart, not in a manipulative way, not in a way that brings forth everyone's fears and resentments, but truly to speak to the heart so that people know that we're actually on their side," Hirono added.

"We have a really hard time doing that, and one of the reasons that was told to me at one of our retreats is that we Democrats know so much that is true," she said. "We have to kind of tell everyone how smart we are, so we have a tendency to be very left brain and we think, this—really, that is not how people make decisions."

Content edited slightly.


  1. All they do is appeal to emotions, especially hate! Their programs rarely make rational sense.

  2. OT, but did anybody else hear that f@#$%^&-*&^%h Maureen Dowd on PBS tonite? What a very nasty piece-of-work.

  3. MoDo's been an airhead for a long time.

  4. It's always a good idea to keep an eye on the establishment. Nobody should give a damn what CNN thinks.

  5. The Democrats are just a bunch of narcissist. They have convinced themselves that they are smarter but in actuality they are only smart like a thief such as was stated by that architect of the (Un)Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare).

    They have become very smart in stealing elections; California has even established election theft by law with their "jungle" primaries and allowing anyone to turn in absentee ballots. I fully believe the closeness of the Cruz/O'Rourke vote was due to fraudulent voting in the major "Blue" areas of Texas. One example is that the Texas Democrat Party sent out voter registrations to people with Hispanic names already premarked with U.S. Citizen and over 18. So yes Democrats are smart in evil ways.
