Monday, January 14, 2019


Anglicanism still found to be joke.

Last week, the Anglican Centre in Rome announced the appointment of the Very Rev. Dr. John Shepherd as temporary director of the Anglican outreach to the Roman Catholic pontiff at the Vatican. This caused a major scandal, since Shepherd has denied the historicity of the gospels and suggested that he does not believe in the bodily Resurrection of Jesus Christ, a cornerstone of Christian and Anglican doctrine.
"The Resurrection of Jesus ought not to be seen in physical terms, but as a new spiritual reality," Shepherd said in a video message for Easter in 2008. "It is important for Christians to be set free from the idea that the Resurrection was an extraordinary physical event which restored to life Jesus's earthly body."
Shepherd went on to say, "the Gospel accounts are not historical records as we understand them. They are symbolic images of the breaking through of the resurrection spirit into human lives."
Rome?  You have enough problems of your own without dealing with this crap.  Why in God's name do you still take these people seriously?


  1. I'm not sure there aren't lots of guys within the Vatican walls who agree with this nonsense.

  2. The only serious question to ask of a so-called Christian who denies a core tenant: "Who are you schtupping?"

  3. These people are proof of Paul's observation that without the Resurrection, Christianity is a pitiable joke. 1 Cor 15:12-19

  4. You say that like the current occupant of the throne of St. Peter would know (or care about) the difference.
