Wednesday, January 2, 2019


Has Israel finally figured it out?

Israel will officially no longer be a member of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, or UNESCO, on Tuesday.

“Israel will not be part of a body that continually rewrites history, including by erasing the Jewish connection to Jerusalem,” Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon told JNS. “UNESCO is manipulated by Israel’s enemies and continually singles out the Jewish state for condemnation.”

The UN agency has been subject to criticism of anti-Israel bias and distortion of historical sites, such as Jewish ties to the Western Wall and Temple Mount.

In September, Israel declined to partake in UNESCO’s conference on antisemitism “due to the organization’s persistent and egregious bias against Israel,” said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

1 comment:

  1. Most governments in the world HATE Israel. Why? Well, lets see they are one of the few governments that take action when their citizens are injured or threatened. They do not cow-tow to extremist or terrorist. They will defend their borders against all comers. Everyone (almost) has and knows how to use a rifle and hand-gun. They are fierce friend and will defend their friends. They are vicious enemies and will not accept defeat easily.

    They have been treated poorly since the 1940's. Both France and Great Britain promised the Jew and Arabs land in the middle east. When it came time to turn what we call Israel over to the Jew, the Brits tried to reneg. They fought for their land and immediately they became the bad guys. Ever since the Arabs have told terrible lies about the Jews, equal to and even worse that they Nazis in the '30 & "40. But does anyone call our the Arab press? Of course not.

    Good for Israel.
