Wednesday, January 23, 2019


Well, well, well.  Inside St. Louis baseball.

The prosecutor who brought down former Missouri Republican Gov. Eric Greitens has found her office under investigation for possible perjury over the same case.

Kim Gardner, the St. Louis circuit attorney who led the charge in the Greitens case, was accused of suborning perjury by the former governor’s defense team. A state grand jury is now considering evidence pursuant to a police investigation that began in May of 2018, according to a Tuesday morning report from local St. Louis radio station KMOX.

Kim's a Democratic apparatchick.  Nothing more.

Gardner made news when she announced in August of 2018 that her office would not hear evidence or bring any charges in cases presented by certain city police officers — and she provided an “exclusion list” of 28 officers to the St. Louis Police Department.

Chris Hinckley, Gardner’s Chief Warrant Officer, explained the move via email, saying, “warrant applications involving officers (sic) as essential witnesses will be refused if their participation is essential to the successful prosecution of the case. Cases previously issued where the above officers are essential witnesses will be reviewed for viability.”

One objection to this story.  The only person who "brought down" Eric Greitens was Eric Greitens.  Nobody else.  This guy could have been a national GOP superstar (had he not wanted to get some on the side, Eric might have been the only GOP candidate I can think of who could have mounted a plausible primary campaign against Donald Trump).

But he threw that chance away forever.  And that's on him.

1 comment:

  1. Greitens' misbehavior is on him. But I also hope this crooked prosecutor gets what's coming to her. Whether or not the target is guilty, we don't need corruption in law enforcement or prosecutions.
