Sunday, January 20, 2019


It's going to be the Rams (since it isn't mine, I won't dignify them with the name of the town they play in) versus the New England Patriots in the Super Bowl and around here, we hate both of them with a corrosive hatred.  Maybe NBC or Fox will have a soccer or a rugby game on that day.

Or maybe a channel called Buzzr will run a nice line-up of 70's or 80's vintage game shows.  Those are always fun because you get to see what used to be considered fashionable and what our parents actually allowed us to go out in public wearing.  Tell you what.  A family of four could have lived comfortably under one of Gene Rayburn's lapels.


  1. He is good, and he's got a front line which gives him enough time and a coach who knows what he's doing.

    On the Rams game, when even I could see the pass interference which was not called on the Rams just before the end of regulation, it's flagrant. Referees and replays are ruining the game.

  2. Brady's 41 and this is probably his last season. He's already started re-branding himself for when he does retire from the Pats. Clothing, sports camps, etc., etc. So let him go out in style with that 6th ring. He'll have earned it.

    BTW, I hope you know that Brady is the "trophy husband" in that marriage to Giselle. Yup. She out-earns him about 2:1

  3. Considering that how-the-hell-much-money-does-that-ref-have-on-this-game non-call on that OBVIOUS pass interference, I guess I marginally hope that Pats win another one.

    Still ain't watching though. Bring on the XFL.

  4. With sincere respect for TLM, I probably won't watch either.

    It does save me from whatever garbage they plan for the halftime show, so there's that. And I can always watch Gladys Knight singing the national anthem on replay afterwards.
