Saturday, February 16, 2019


It's always sad when marriages end.

President Donald Trump's announcement Friday that he was declaring a national emergency wasn't received well by all Republicans, none more vocal than Ann Coulter. 

The conservative commentator had for weeks been bashing Trump for what she said was him caving to Democrats over his demands for additional funding to construct a wall along the southern border, even calling him the "biggest wimp ever to serve as President of the United States".
On Friday, the bickering made its way into a nationally televised news conference where Trump announced his plans to use executive powers to declare a national emergency to free up billions in funds for the proposed wall.
"Ann Coulter. I don't know her. I hardly know her. I haven't spoken to her in way over a year but the press loves saying Ann Coulter, probably if I did speak to her, she would be very nice," Trump said, adding that she is "off the reservation."
Anybody know if Bill Kristol is married?

1 comment:

  1. The problem is what Coulter wants him to do. Before the midterms, he had a Republican House that seldom acted like it, and now the House has crazy and demented Democrats leading it. Even with a larger Senate majority, there are still some squishes, Romney having probably taken Flake's place.
