Wednesday, February 20, 2019


Glenn Reynolds analyzes NeverTrumpers.

See, you’re really not Solzhenitsyn here. And as far as I can tell, although NeverTrumpers talk a lot about morality and principles, their actual beef seems to be a combination of aesthetic dislike of Trump’s messaging style, and resentment that he’s not hiring them, and never will hire them. I suppose a lot of people confuse their own social standing and economic prospects with morality, but color me unpersuaded.

Perhaps in 2016 you could imagine that Trump would be such an awful President that you had a moral duty to oppose him. But in 2019, it’s obvious that that’s not the case. In fact, he’s pretty darn successful.


  1. I think Reynolds has the Never Trump position about right. Many people had reservations in 2015/2016. After more than two years in office and a string of accomplishments, there's nothing other than "style" and the Twitter feed to complain about. If those things are more important than the direction of the country, then people need to have their heads examined.

  2. "...then people need to have their heads examined."

    There have been several studies examining the differences between the way conservatives vs. liberals think, i.e solve problems, general level of happiness, worldview, etc. Generally speaking, conservatives are much happier, tend to solve problems in a results-oriented manner, tend to work in the private sector (where raises are based on performance), etc, etc. Conservatives are much more generous, give more to charity, while liberals think the answer is more government programs to solve whatever the problem is (or, in other words, use other people's money, not their own.)

    So, yes, they might actually need to have their heads examined. LOL.
