Tuesday, February 26, 2019


It's what's for dinner.

The Senate on Monday rejected a bill making it a felony for a doctor to harm or neglect an infant who survives an “attempted abortion,” part of a Republican effort to squeeze Democrats ahead of the 2020 campaign.

The vote split mainly along party lines, 53-44. Democratic Sens. Bob Casey of Pennsylvania, Doug Jones of Alabama and Joe Manchin of West Virginia crossed the aisle to vote for it; no Republicans broke ranks. Sixty votes are required for the bill to advance.

In a speech just before the vote, bill author Sen. Ben Sasse quoted campaign stump speeches by Democratic Sens. Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Elizabeth Warren, Kirsten Gillibrand and independent Bernie Sanders vowing to look out for society’s “voiceless and vulnerable” and accused them of hypocrisy for opposing his bill’s regulations for the care of newborns.

LORD?  Considering how You felt about the practice of some of the nations surrounding Israel to sacrifice their children to their "gods," I wonder if I can prevail upon You to call me home some time soon since Your judgment on this nation will be horrible.

1 comment:

  1. I can't help but notice that the original temptation was basically "You can be your own god." And, I can't help but notice that the wheels come off whenever nations succumb to that notion. I offer what happened to Nazi Germany as proof.
