Friday, February 8, 2019


The continuing adventures of the Virginia circus.  And I used to be embarrassed by Jefferson City.  To be fair, I still am on a reasonably regular basis; this is the Puke State after all.

UPDATE: That should do it.  Shoot Slapsie Maxie a fitty on your way out.

UPDATE: The wheels on the bus fly off and off (when you've lost NARAL...).

UPDATE: The most prominent member of the Sovereign Nation of Fake Indians comes in.

UPDATE: Herr Tetzel, you have a call on the white courtesy phone.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, sure. Read Ta-Nehisi Coates, to counter white racism with black racism. Great. Northam should be tarred and feathered (metaphorically speaking) for his support of late-term abortion. He won't be.

    The sad thing is that the Virginia Republicans are so disorganized that they don't really know how to capitalize on this mess.
