Thursday, February 28, 2019


To the pseudo-religious left, there is only one right answer, you don't have it and you never will.

On Tuesday, leaders of the United Methodist Church (UMC) voted to affirm the traditional position on sexuality, upholding the biblical definition of marriage as between one man and one woman and forbidding homosexual relationships among the clergy. As black African leaders united behind the traditional position, white American liberals accused them of bribery.

The Traditional Plan won by a vote of 438 to 384 (53 percent to 47 percent), while the "One Church" plan — which would have allowed churches to choose to affirm same-sex marriage and appoint clergy who are in homosexual relationships — failed by a vote of 374 to 449 (45 percent to 55 percent). The United Methodist Church is the second-largest denomination in America.

There's not only one right answer, there's only one conceivable answer.  So any other answer can only be the result of evil doings.

"A point of order call to refer allegations of bribery for votes to committee on ethics passes, 417-388," the United Methodist News Service tweeted amid the United Methodist Church's General Conference.

The Reconciling Ministries Network, a pro-LGBT coalition that claims 900 churches in the United Methodist denomination, tweeted that the vote to refer the bribery charges to the ethics committee was "a victory for truth and ethics." The group praised the potential investigation into "rumors of bribery and paying for votes by anti-LGBTQ anti-UMC traditionalists."

Disagree with us and you hate Methodism?  Got it.  But hell, let's push all-in.

"Bribery for votes for the TP [Traditional Plan] has been an open rumor for ages.

I'll take "Methodist Fiction" for $2,000, Alex.

It is good that our youth are willing to call it out.

It's good to call out...a rumor.  Okay. 

Jesus had strong words for the money-changers in the temple," the Reconciling Ministries Network tweeted.

Public libel.  Methodist lefties are great Christian examples.

This liberal group was so confident of bribery among supporters of the Traditional Plan that it baldly compared its ideological opponents to the people Jesus condemned for turning the house of God into a "den of robbers" (Matthew 21:13).
There you have it.  The Methodist left is so determined to impose its "theology" on the rest of the denomination that it will quite happily resort to lying about and libeling fellow Methodists if votes don't go the way it demands that they go.  One hopes the UMC keeps this in mind because these people are not going away any time soon.
If past performance is indicative of future results, the countdown to an "illegal" but "prophetic" Methodist homosexual ordination, homosexual marriage or both should begin any day now.


  1. Disgusting, and of course it reminds me of Anglican liberals charging that Africans could be bought off with chicken dinners.

    The thought that African Methodists and African Anglicans actually believe the traditional Gospel is something liberals simply can't accept.

  2. The call for more "dialogue" on the subject in 3,... 2,...

  3. Though I am an Anglican, the only ecclesial community in our little town in South Texas that was acceptable is the local UMC which has conservative views. There is a TEC parish in town but.... We joined for that reason. If the vote had gone to a more liberal view of the organization, we would be packing up and leaving.

    I am glad for the polity of the UMC with the African Churches able to rein in the Western Liberals. How long this will last, I don't know. I did recently meet a lawyer who works for the UMC here in Texas. He and others filed an Amicus Brief on behalf of the UMC against the Diocese of Fort Worth's law suite with TEC because of worry of something similar happening to break up the UMC though he did say that the UMC has a trust on the individual parishes' properties now to prevent the flight of parishes. I am sure that he is a liberal in favor of the LGBTQ+ agenda from the way he approached the subject.

    People, please pray for some unity of belief in the whole of Christendom.

  4. Ah yes, the celebrated chicken dinners. That takes me back. Says something about the Methodists, I guess, that they apparently required a lot more than that. :-)

  5. BillB, that sounds ominous for your Methodist congregation, although maybe it's ominous for liberal congregations instead. If the UMC splits, let us pray that they will not follow TEC into taking property away from local Christian believers.

  6. So. a headline in this morning's local paper goes " 'We are not happy with the church.' Some Methodists in area vow to oppose result of vote on gay marriage, clergy". Scott Miller, president of Virginia Wesleyan University, is throwing away the book that guides UMC. Apparently, his colleagues who run the 93 UMC colleges & universities across the country are also opposed to the church's recent ruling.

    And, so it goes.

  7. Totally expected, ur, what with them being "prophetic" and all. We former Episcopalians/Anglicans know that these people play the long game.
