Tuesday, February 19, 2019


I hope Jussie Smollett looks good in orange.

The two brothers involved in the Jussie Smollett attack told police that Smollett was behind creating a racist letter that was sent to the actor on the set of his show, “Empire,” according to two sources with first-hand knowledge of the investigation.

And when that letter did not get a “bigger reaction,” Smollett orchestrated the attack a week later with the two men–Ola and Abel Osundairo, sources said. Also Tuesday, sources said the two brothers were seen on a ride share video camera before being dropped off near the location of the attack.

Smollett received a letter containing a white powder Jan. 22. The letter was mailed to Chicago’s Cinespace Studios, where the show “Empire” is filmed. The letter prompted a HAZMAT response. CPD says the “white substance” was later determined to be aspirin.

The note was crafted with letters apparently cut out from magazines to form words. The pieced-together message contained racial and homophobic threats directed at Smollett. A magazine is one of the pieces of evidence retrieved from the brother’s home last week during a search conducted by CPD. Investigators also recovered a book of stamps.

Letters cut out from magazines?  Really?  You have no idea how embarrassed I am for you, Juss.  Don't they have computers where you live?  Crap, man, just type up a letter in Comic Sans or something and print it out.  You'd look a whole lot less stupid.

Great.  On top of everything else, there's this HAZMAT call-out.  I don't know what Chicago's going to end up doing about all this but Smollett's got to be looking at some serious time in the hole.  Or, at the very least, porn roles out in Chatsworth or something because no legitimate movie or TV producer is going to want to get anywhere near this pathetic clown.

Oh and Brian Stelter?  I don't know what CNN is about these days, no one does, but if you want people to once more respect you and whatever it is that CNN does, send your people out to Chicago and tell them to pay attention.  Because Chicago is how actual journalism is done.


  1. They'll have to have evidence that Smollett directed this campaign, if the brothers constructed the letter and mailed it. Smollett's current line is that he had nothing to do with it. I read somewhere that there's a witness who saw the three together that night in an elevator, so that line isn't going to fly any more than the hoax did.

    Yup, Chicago news people appear to be actual reporters, unlike many of the national outlets. How refreshing. And I read elsewhere that there is considerable local Chicago resistance to the Obama not-library in Jackson Park.

  2. Katherine, What do you want to bet they find Smollett's fingerprints all over that magazine? Or on the envelope mailed to the "Empire" set? As far as the actual aspirin, I don't know if chemical analysis would prove anything, but it could be done. Aspirin's pretty generic.

    The real question is: what has this investigation already cost in man-hours and resources, and what will it take to complete it? I know police departments often have to waste time on hoax crimes, but this isn't a 13 year-old kid egging houses, either.

    As far as the MSM doing anything, ...well, as we say here in Boston, "Good luck to you and the Red Sox."

  3. Fox News is now reporting that the tip about the three being seen in an elevator is not supported by video evidence, so that's out. Once again, Chicago police are doing a thorough job. A couple of oddities: The Cook County State's Attorney has recused herself from the case, without explanation. Also, Fox News reports that Smollett had a prior DUI charge in which he lied to police. Maybe this is why the CPD was dubious about this hoax.


  4. Ah. The false statements on the DUI charge turn out to be in California, not Chicago. Smollett claimed he was his younger brother and signed his brother's name on the promise to appear. Truth-telling isn't his strong point:

