Friday, February 22, 2019


Credit where it's due.  Dianne Feinstein, of all people, explains to some environmentalist kids how the world works.

A group of children met with Sen. Dianne Feinstein on Friday, calling on the California Democrat to co-sponsor the Green New Deal and commit to drastic changes identified by scientists as necessary to fight climate change. But they got a cold hard dose of political reality when Feinstein, mincing no words, told the group she wouldn't be meeting their demands.

“I’ve been doing this for 30 years. You come in here and say it has to be my way or the highway. I don’t respond to that," she said in a video of the exchange. "I've gotten elected. I just ran. I was elected by almost a million-vote plurality."

So, since I can actually help pass legislation and you can't do anything other than complain...

The video was released Friday by Sunrise Movement, the activist group started by young people who say by fighting against climate change, they're fighting for their futures. Members have taken part in sit-ins to draw attention to the Green New Deal — a non-binding resolution of proposed economic stimulus programs to address climate change and other issues — and on Friday, about a dozen of Feinstein's constituents, aged 7 to 16, visited her office to personally ask for her support.

"I have been and I remain committed to to doing everything I can to enact real, meaningful climate change legislation," [Feinstein] said.

But certainly not Alexandria OhLord-PleaseShutHerUp's high-school-level "thinking."

Feinstein pointed to her own drafted resolution, which she said she believed had a better chance of passing Congress. But she said she couldn't support the non-binding resolution backed by activists and progressive lawmakers, such as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Since I know how economies actually work.

"There's no way to pay for it," Feinstein tells the boy.

Time to haul out one of Mommy's talking points.

"We have tons of money going to the military," a girl interjects.

Since the military serves an actual purpose, as opposed to this theoretical crap, what's you're point, sweetie?  By the way, did you know you were adopted?

Over the next 10 minutes, the children advocated for taking ambitious steps against a massive problem. One girl pointed to the UN scientists who predicted the world has just over a decade to get climate change under control.

"Well, it's not going to get turned around in 10 years," Feinstein replied.

Al "WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE" Gore said we had ten years.  And that was thirteen years ago.  Also, there's no Santa Claus.

Another girl said Feinstein should feel accountable to the kids in the room as voters. But Feinstein asked her age, and pointed out she was too young to vote. Feinstein added it was necessary to find a compromise in the Senate to get anything done, since Democrats were in the minority.

[Pats stupid girl on head] Well aren't you just the sweetest thing?  Get back to me when you turn eighteen and your opinions will mean jack.  I'll probably be dead but you can try this garbage out again on whoever holds this office then.  Head's up; we're still not going to be able to afford it.

"That resolution will not pass the Senate. And you can take that back to whoever sent you here," she said. "It doesn't have a single Republican vote."

"Why can't you try?" a young boy pipes up.

Because I'm not as delusional as you seem to be, kid.  But I truly am sorry to hear about Thomas the Tank Engine's brakes going out and him slamming into the side of that Sodor mountain and turning into so much scrap metal.  Real sad.

You didn't know?  Whoops.  AWWWWW-kward.


  1. So, I watched the whole video over at Sunrise's Facebook page. Sen. Feinstein was actually quite gracious and tried to give the kids reasons why she couldn't support the bill, plus she offered an alternative. It's just mind-boggling that the people that made this video are calling her rude and dismissive. The kids were rude and arrogant. Little pissants.

  2. It's their parents who ought to be chastised for using their children like this. Ages 7 to 16, I think it said.
