Saturday, February 9, 2019


A Slate guy thinks it's time to go, Fairfax.

The evidence against Fairfax is much stronger than the evidence against Kavanaugh. Two women with similar stories, did not know each other. One has witnesses that she described the incident immediately after. The other has witnesses that she told the story more than a year ago.


  1. When you've lost Slate...

    On the other hand, the optics of having the two older white guys stay in their jobs and the young black guy getting booted out are terrible. In my opinion, this couldn't happen to a better group than Virginia Democrats.

  2. "The evidence against Fairfax is much stronger than the evidence against Kavanaugh."

    There was no "evidence" against Kavanaugh. Just an uncorroborated story.

  3. And here we have two uncorroborated stories. I don't have any sympathy for Fairfax. However, women who are assaulted should report it to law enforcement. Failure to do so means that if you talk about it years later, the assault charge is unsupported by contemporaneous evidence.

    Democrats in Virginia are backing off the impeachment effort, having decided that party is more important.
