Monday, February 18, 2019


"NO FAIR," wails the New York Times.  "The Republicans are gonna be...sniff...MEAN to us."

In the 116th Congress, if you’re a Democrat, you’re either a socialist, a baby killer or an anti-Semite.

That, at least, is what Republicans want voters to think, as they seek to demonize Democrats well in advance of the 2020 elections by painting them as left-wing crazies who will destroy the American economy, murder newborn babies and turn a blind eye to bigotry against Jews.

If it walks like a duck, takes all your stuff like a duck, kills full-term infants like a duck or hates Jews like a duck...

The unusually aggressive assault, which Republican officials and strategists outlined in interviews last week, is meant to strangle the new Democratic majority in its infancy.

Ralph Northam, call your office.  But don't worry, we'll be sure and make the Democratic majority comfortable while we discuss what to do next.

It was set in motion this month by President Trump, who used his State of the Union address to rail against “new calls to adopt socialism in our country” and mischaracterize legislation backed by Democrats in New York and Virginia as allowing “a baby to be ripped from the mother’s womb moments before birth.”

In other words, Trump merely stated what the Democratic ultra-left has advocated.

Then last week, Republicans amped it up, seizing on a Twitter post by a freshman representative, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, which even some Democrats condemned as anti-Semitic, and ridiculing the “Green New Deal,” an ambitious economic stimulus plan unveiled by Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a self-described democratic socialist. Suddenly even Jewish Democrats were abetting anti-Semitism and moderate Democrats in Republican districts were Trotskyites and Stalinists.

See above.

“Socialism is the greatest vulnerability by far that the House Democrats have,” Representative Tom Emmer of Minnesota, the chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee, said in an interview, adding that he had also instructed his team to spotlight “all the extreme wild ideas” that Democrats espouse, “on a daily basis, on an hourly basis if it’s available.”

Let's hope so.  But it's great to see this Republican aggressiveness.  This article is proof that the Democrats are scared to death that it will work.  Because if Alexandria OhCrap-She'sTalkingAgain and her ilk thinks that crap like hers will sell in places like Texas, Kansas or Missouri, she is the greatest indication yet that any idiot can be elected to the US Congress.


  1. The Times can't face the fact that the New York law and Virginia proposed law are not being "mischaracterized." And the Green New Deal would, in fact, destroy the American economy. And Democratic leaders have tolerated and encouraged anti-Semites for years. People are beginning to notice.

  2. Katherine, Oh, people have noticed for a long time. It's only just now that some are daring to call the Dems out on it. No more "Mr. Nice Guy."
