Thursday, March 7, 2019


My allergies are flaring up again.  Stupid allergies.

Marcus was 13 months old, lying in a bed inside a medical facility, struggling to stay alive.

His tiny body was racked by fevers and infections due to severe heart and lung defects. A ventilator and trach tube were the only things keeping him fed and breathing.

Marcus was motherless and alone. He was born three-months premature, weighing 1-pound, to a heroin addict, and then abandoned at the hospital. No one was coming for Marcus.

And that’s when he felt a kiss on the cheek, and heard a voice whisper in his ear.

“My name is Kelly. I want to be your mom. Would you like to come home with me?”

“He smiled so big when I kissed his cheek, and I knew I was going to do everything I could to give this baby a chance,” Lively said. “In my heart, I felt he had just been waiting for me. It gave me chills. I knew he was my son."

God exists because people like this would be impossible without Him.

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