Sunday, March 10, 2019


Syllogism.  If A, then B.  A therefore B.

Shamima Begum was 19, pregnant, and wanted to return home to Britain. But she had spent four years with ISIS, so Britain revoked her citizenship and she gave birth in a Syrian refugee camp that has now proved fatal to her infant son, who died Thursday or Friday of pneumonia at the age of less than three weeks. The boy, named Jarrah, was apparently in good health when he was born Feb. 17, reports the AP, but was reportedly having respiratory problems recently. The BBC that conditions in the camp are "pretty appalling," with no heat in tents and temperatures that dip into the 30s at night.

After the Second World War, those Europeans who fought in German "foreign legions" or otherwise collaborated with the Nazis led miserable lives.  Some were killed while many others led lonely existences, shunned out of decent society for the rest of their days.

The same principle is at work here.  One can't join something as monstrous and barbaric as the Islamic State and then expect mercy to be the default position if you change your mind.  If you happen to get it, good for you.  If you don't, you really have no one to blame but yourself.

As they say, never ever pray for God's justice because you might get it.

The kid was three weeks old, Chris.  I know that.  But the fact of the matter is that Great Britain didn't kill Shamima Begum's son Jarrah.  Shamima Begum did.

1 comment:

  1. The decisions we make do have consequences. This woman, and the American-born woman in a similar situation, made the decision to go to Syria and subject themselves to Islamic law, becoming wives and producing children under those conditions. They made the decisions, and they and their children pay the consequences. Life is real, not a fantasy.
