Monday, April 1, 2019


Why I'm not a Roman Catholic and why I can never be one.  Francis is a joke.

Pope Francis and Morocco’s King Mohammed VI called on Saturday for the protection of Jerusalem’s multi-religious character, saying the city’s sacred sites must be accessible to worshippers of all faiths.

In a joint appeal signed on the first day of Francis’ visit to Rabat, the pope and the monarch said they were “deeply concerned for its spiritual significance and its special vocation as a city of peace”.

“We consider it important to preserve the Holy City of Jerusalem / Al-Quds Acharif as the common patrimony of humanity and especially for the followers of the three monotheistic religions, as a place of encounter and as a symbol of peaceful coexistence, where mutual respect and dialogue can be cultivated,” said the joint appeal, using the Arab name for Jerusalem.

It called for “full freedom of access” for Jews, Muslims and Christians and a guarantee of their right to worship there.

Guess what, Holiness.  They have it. 

Right now. 

The mere fact that Israel has Christian residents at all is, considering our mutual history, one of the greatest miracles ever.  But if what you actually mean, and I suspect that you do, is that we want freedom of access and worship THAT'S NOT CONTROLLED BY THE JEWS, that's not ever going to happen again. 

Nor should it. 

You had your chance. 

Shut up and sit this one out until Jesus returns.



  1. I have to disagree in part. There is NOT equal access to worship on the Mount today. Go up there looking Jewish and looking like you want to say a prayer and see what happens to you.
