Tuesday, March 12, 2019


The password is...videoconference (ding).

Extracting and processing materials, fuel and food contributes as much as half of the world's greenhouse gas emissions, the UN said Tuesday, as experts gathered in Kenya to find ways to rein in exploding global consumption.

Which "experts" had to fly to Kenya from all over the world to conclude.

Using dozens of data sources, the authors of a major new report presented lawmakers and businesses with a stark choice: drastically reform the global economy to get more from less, or risk the collapse of global infrastructure.
With countries already committed under the Paris climate deal to curb emissions to fend off the worst impacts of global warming, experts said there was little hope of meeting that goal without an "urgent and systemic transformation" in how we use Earth's resources.
The Global Resources Outlook 2019 said that worldwide consumption of basic commodities such as water, minerals and fossil fuels had tripled since 1970.
Or every single person in the world could just kill themselves.  That should work.


  1. That's what they want, for people to just kill themselves. Failing that, they'll send us back to medieval living conditions so we'll die anyhow.

  2. Katherine, ....Medieval? Oh no. They want us living four hours out of the Stone Age.
