Friday, March 15, 2019


I guess you've all heard by now what just happened in Christchurch, New Zealand.  Gunmen opened fire at two mosques, killing something like 50 worshippers and I guess that horrible total may go up.  Last I heard, three people were in custody for this abomination and I expect that they'll be dealt with to the fullest extent of New Zealand law.  I hope so, anyway.

But let's try an experiment.  Since this tragedy is going to be politicized to death, let's take guns completely out of the picture.  An EF-5 tornado, the strongest possible, is bearing down on St. Louis, Missouri.  It directly strikes a mosque, instantly killing 300 worshippers assembled for prayer.  How do you suppose a reaction to such a tragedy similar to this would be received?


  1. She tries to destroy her credibility every day. That's about the only thing she's doing a good job of.

    As a random aside, mosques don't have pews. Worshippers kneel on rugs on the floor.

    When I got up this morning I saw news reports describing this monstrous shooter as a "right wing extremist." Nope. He put out a demented "manifesto" in which he identifies himself as an "eco-fascist." Hates capitalism, wants to see world population decline (just not white people), admires Communist China.

    And: At the first mosque he attacked, someone inside had a long gun and shot back at him. He ran. At the second mosque, no one was armed, and a lot more people died.

  2. She would hate to see what her world would be like if we stopped praying altogether.

  3. Meanwhile, Missouri has taken the first step towards becoming Switzerland.

  4. TLM, I rather doubt either bill will pass, though. Our host probably knows more about the chances of that.

  5. I can't afford to buy one. But it wouldn't surprise me at all if the AR bill passed here although I seriously doubt it would pass judicial muster. It would be all kinds of fun to watch the local left lose its excrement if it did, though.
