Saturday, March 30, 2019


Minnesota freshperson DEMOCRATIC representative Ilhan Omar pulls off the quinella.  Anti-Semitic and anti-gay.

Following Omar's remarks, The Daily Wire reached out to her office via phone and email to get her thoughts on two recent news items.

The first story comes from Brunei, where Sultan of Brunei Hassanal Bolkiah has said that new Sharia laws that are going into effect are a form of "special guidance" from God, according to Sky News.

The nation is going to introduce death by stoning as a punishment for gay sex and "amputation for those guilty of theft under sharia law, with both penalties to also apply to children once implemented."

The second story comes out of the Middle East, where the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas recently fired 20 rockets into Israel and destroyed the homes of innocent civilians.

The Daily Wire asked Omar if she could provide comment on either story and if she found either of these acts to be "abhorrent and inhumane."

Omar and her office refused to respond to multiple requests for comment.

The Daily Wire again contacted Omar's office on Friday via phone and email to give them another chance to respond and notified them that a non-response would be considered a "refusal to condemn" these acts. Omar's office again did not respond to the inquiries.

Omar's one of you, Dems.  Good luck justifying her next year.  The RNC attack ads are, as they say, already writing themselves.

1 comment:

  1. She and her office probably think it's okay to ignore the Daily Wire. After all, its editor is a Jew, and therefore not worthy of her attention.
