Tuesday, April 23, 2019


Professional ConservativeTM and anti-Trump shrieking hysteric Bill Kristol takes what he probably considers to be a devastating shot at Rudy Giuliani.

Anti-Trump conservative Bill Kristol has been blasted on social media after accusing Rudy Giuliani of dropping out of the Senate race against “stronger person” Hillary Clinton in 2000 when the race it got “tough” rather than the ex-mayor's cancer diagnosis.

“Rudy plays a tough guy now, on Twitter. But he didn’t have the guts to take on Hillary in 2000 for the New York Senate seat,” Kristol, who runs The Bulwark website, wrote in a tweet. “When that race got tough, @RudyGiuliani got going. As bullies do when confronted by a stronger person.”

But Kristol left out something kind of important.

Many social media users immediately jumped on the tweet, slamming Kristol for ignoring Giuliani’s cancer diagnosis during the race that led to his decision to end the campaign against Clinton in 2000.

“Well...he was diagnosed with prostate cancer during the race. So this is not your best work,” tweeted Nathan Wurtzel. “You do recall that he was diagnosed with prostate cancer that same year?” seconded radio personality Frank Morano.

Of course it's not like Nancy Boy knows what being tough actually means.

“Billy getting rightly ratio'd for this. Of course, Bill has not been tough anywhere, ever. Not even in the rooms where he advocated for all his wars,” tweeted the Daily Caller’s Derek Hunter, referring to Kristol’s support of U.S. military interventions across the globe.

I got the same diagnosis twelve years ago.  And while the word "cancer" focuses the mind, my experience was not typical.  My prostate cancer was taken care of with surgery, there was no radiation or chemo and the worst part of the whole experience was having to spend a week with a Foley catheter up my penis and then spend a year or so wearing Depends.

I'm still here so I guess it worked.

After about a year, a year and a half, when I was just starting to get back to normal, a friend was diagnosed with breast cancer and she went through the whole shooting match.  Radiation, chemo, losing her hair, losing her energy, all of it.  She eventually beat that diagnosis.

She didn't beat the second one.

Which is why I don't like to refer to myself as a "cancer survivor."  Compared to my late friend, I survived nothing of consequence.  But here's the deal, Bill.  Get yourself diagnosed with some kind of cancer and maybe I'll listen to your comment on how someone else deals with it.

Not before.

1 comment:

  1. Giuliani is a man of many flaws. He's also the most accomplished public official of his generation. What's strange is that he gave any thought to running for Congress at all.

    No clue what Wm. Kristol fancies he's doing. The Bulwark is reduced to recruiting alumni of Slate and The Huffington Post to have enough content and the word on the street is that Kristol has been dunning lefoid billionaires for patronage.
