Saturday, April 27, 2019




  1. Chris, is this a parody, or did the NYT International actually publish this?

  2. Apparently, they did. Someone had a screen shot of the print edition. The Times is walking it back, though. "Error in judgment."

    To say the least.

  3. "Error of judgment" is a massive understatement. Theoretically, they've got editors who should have stopped this. Unfortunately, it seems they've got editors who didn't see a problem with it.

  4. Seems Times Square "didn't know." Which seems like it'd be something they might want to get a handle on. But that's just me.

  5. I'm just impressed you can type umlauts.

    But seriously, with a "white nationalist" shooting up a synagogue in CA and this blast from the lefties, is it any wonder that there needs to be a Jewish state with right of return? There anti-Semites are on all sides, everywhere.

  6. Hey Tim,
    Good to see you here (I messaged the Timster a day or so ago via Facebook, and voici-la!)

    So, umlauts and other diacritical marks are easy to do if you have an old-fashioned keyboard with a keypad. I got so tired of looking them up in Character Map, that I made a cheat-sheet in Word and printed it out years ago. So, a small u with an umlaut is Ctrl+0252 (on the keypad, not the function keys.)

    OK, back on topic, yes, the NY Times has no filters for anti-Semitism and would never have pulled this is there hadn't been some sort of outcry.

  7. Can't actually type 'em, Tim, as that would necessitate actual knowledge on my part. I can copy them though. :-)
