Tuesday, April 30, 2019


The problem is not with "them," New York Times

The problem is with you.

"How many New York Times editors looked at a cartoon that would not have looked out of place on a white supremacist website? ... What does this say about your processes or your decision makers?" That was the reaction of the American Jewish Committee after the publication of what the paper acknowledged was an anti-Semitic cartoon last week, and now it looks like those processes are getting an overhaul. The Daily Beast reports the Times will no longer run syndicated cartoons, including from the CartoonArts syndication service that provided the cartoon in question.

Seriously.  How did you even consider publishing that crap?  Who thought that this was a good idea, let alone a genuine contribution to any serious discussion?

UPDATE: Nobody believes you, TimesNobody.

1 comment:

  1. No longer using syndicated cartoons. Yup, that'll fix everything. It would be far better for the Times to employ intelligent people capable of seeing what's really offensive before it's published.
