Sunday, April 21, 2019


A series of eight bombings in Sri Lanka targeting Christian churches and hotels in three cities killed at least 207 people and wounded up to 450 others on Easter Sunday. Defense Minister Ruwan Wijewardene described the coordinated blasts as a terrorist attack by religious extremists.

UPDATE: Amen.  We forget this at our peril.

UPDATE: The death toll has risen to 290.  24 suspects are under arrest.

UPDATE: The password is...Christians (ding).

UPDATE: A whole lot of people suddenly can't make themselves type the word "CHRISTIAN."


  1. The blood of the martyrs, once again. May the Lord receive them.

    Want to bet there will be very little press coverage of this after today -- unlike the coverage of the horrible shooting at the mosque in New Zealand? And, this being Sri Lanka, I suppose it's possible these bombings were Hindu or Buddhist extremists; possible, but given the suicide bombing mode of operation, it's reasonable to think it's Islamists.

  2. They are still investigating. This report cites CNN/India to say the first two suicide bombers identified were named Zahram Hashim and Abu Mohammad.

    There were reportedly warnings about Islamist attacks on Christians on Sri Lanka in the past couple of weeks. The civil war in Sri Lanka which killed so many in recent years was Buddhist vs. Muslim. Christians are only 7% of the population.

  3. "Easter worshippers." Do we worship something called Easter? I wonder if these two losers coordinated their messages, since they use the same phrase.

  4. I saw that this morning at

    You will note that Hillary Clinton's tweet mentions that this is a holy weekend "for many faiths." What other faiths? Passover began Friday night, but ended Saturday night. Hardly a whole weekend. What are those "other" faiths and what were they celebrating?

    Oh, maybe she meant all the preparations for "Earth Day," which I am ignoring for about the 49th year in a row.

  5. Katherine, I have been thinking for well over a year that it cannot be an "accident" that all the liberals seem to simultaneously be on the same wavelength, with all their talking points all ready to go, any time something like this happens. I have not mentioned this to anyone for fear of being called loony, but I have come to the conclusion that the Devil whispers in their ears. There just isn't any explanation for people in widely diverse parts of the country, (or even the world) all getting the same messages.

  6. TLM, Passover actually lasts eight days, so technically Hillary was correct, although I doubt that there were very many Jews celebrating Passover in Sri Lanka. I don't disagree with you about the Devil. He's been very active and quite successful in recent decades.

    Here's an Instapundit link showing Hillary's responses to the New Zealand shootings and the Sri Lanka bombings. For the NZ event, she identifies the victims as Muslims and calls for an end to "Islamophobia" and "racism." For Sri Lanka, she condemns "hatred and violence," and calls the victims "Easter worshippers."

  7. Katherine,
    Ooops, my bad. I should have known that. Even if there had been any Jews celebrating Passover in Sri Lanka, though, I'm sure Hillary would've lumped them in to some sort of "all faiths" comment. The Jews, of course, are as much under attack as the Christians among the progressives.
