Wednesday, April 24, 2019


We're going to need you to get rid of this turd.

Referencing the recent Easter season, Iowa 4th District Rep. Steve King said Tuesday the criticism he's faced from his "accusers" in the U.S. House has given him “better insight into what (Christ) went through for us."

"For all that I've been through -- and it seems even strange for me to say it -- but I am at a certain peace, and it is because of a lot of prayers for me," King told about 30 people at a town hall meeting in Cherokee.
“And, when I have to step down to the floor of the House of Representatives, and look up at those 400-and-some accusers, you know we just passed through Easter and Christ's passion, and I have better insight into what He went through for us partly because of that experience."
Steve?  Never ever, ever, ever, ever,
Compare yourself, even remotely, to Jesus of Nazareth.


  1. Oh wow, you still exist! And you've been back for a while! Dang.

    I used to read every day before the disappearance.

  2. Sorry about that. I wish there had been a way to let everyone know.

  3. Chris, I don't know if you were able to get into the old site, but a redirect from the old site (which I checked periodically) would have helped.

    Oh well, we're here now. BTW, I sent the Irish lady

    (I can't remember how she spelled her avatar, ...Fan...something) a message though Facebook (she has a page under her real name.)

  4. Fuinseoig, perhaps? I may not have that quite right.

  5. I couldn't get into the old site. I think. The old site's still there but I didn't and still don't know how to get into it. I still don't know if I should save it or not.

  6. Katherine, Yes! I am friends with her under her real name over at FB. She's still as funny as ever. I also let her know that this site is up. Maybe she'll stop on by some day.

    Well, Chris, if it would help any, I'll let Matt Kennedy know via Facebook. I'm friends with both Matt and Anne, and also Greg Griffiths.

    Anne Kennedy posts frequently on Patheos, if any are interested.

  7. Hello, Tim Fountain!

    Yes, the Buddhist priest Forrester didn't rejuvenate northern Michigan, did he?

  8. I find it interesting the number of Episcopalians who just do not understand that Christianity & Buddhism are totally incompatible.

    Chris, the robot-buster seems to have settled down & stopped barking. What did you feed it?
