Thursday, May 16, 2019


California threatens to commit seppuku.

A top California environmental regulator is threatening to enact tough, new pollution rules -- including an unprecedented ban on cars burning petroleum-based fuels -- in response to a Trump administration plan to relax vehicle emission standards.
California Air Resources Board Chairman Mary Nichols said the state would be forced to pursue “extreme” requirements to offset the uptick in pollution that would be unleashed if federal vehicle emission and fuel economy standards are weakened.

Nichols did not explicitly outline possible changes at Thursday’s event, which was held to discuss the consequences of the Trump proposals and potential California countermeasures. But in remarks prepared for the meeting, she raised the specter of outlawing conventional vehicles with combustion engines, as well as tougher anti-pollution requirements on everything from fuel to the refineries producing it.

UPDATE: Here's hoping, Egypt.


  1. Well, the linked article is from Bloomberg, which, if comments were allowed, would be pretty left-leaning. Over at Automotive News, they have a different take on this. Some of the comments are hilarious. Even the trolls provide comic relief.

  2. How much more of this insanity will the northern Californians tolerate before they actually secede from the southern loonies? Northern CA doesn't have the inversion problem that LA and the rest of the basin suffer from. The north is a significant crop-producing area, and good luck trying to till your soil with an electric tractor.

  3. Well, maybe if this thing ever gets seriously going, NoCal will throw in. Me, I'm wondering what happens when the rest of Illinois finally gets fed up with Chicago.

  4. Good link, TLM, thanks. FWIW, loonies live up and down the California coast. Even San Diego is beginning to go a little nuts. The battle is between the left coast and the interior normal people. People out there aren't going to stand for vehicles with extreme cost and limited driving range.

  5. Katherine, I think you're right about the loonies infesting the coastal areas, while the normal people live further inland.
