Tuesday, May 7, 2019


Top of my head, I'd say that Pennsylvania State Representative Brian Sims represents a cerulean blue district, regularly gets an aircraft carrier full of money from Murder, Inc. or both.

A Pennsylvania state lawmaker is under fire after provoking several confrontations with people protesting a Planned Parenthood facility in Philadelphia, all of which he filmed.
In the videos, state Rep. Brian Sims (Dumbass) can be seen criticizing and rebuking various people standing outside the Planned Parenthood clinic who are protesting the facility for providing abortions.
In one segment from a video posted last week, Sims offers $100 to anyone who can provide details about the identity of a woman holding a rosary so that he can protest outside her home.
“If you know who this woman is and if you can give me her address, we’ll protest out in front of her home,” Sims said in the video. “Let’s go protest out in front of house and tell her what’s right for her body."
That's called "doxing," by the way.  That term refers to putting the names and addresses of your political opponents and pictures of their houses out on Twitter or some other social media platform so that leftists know where they live and be able to easily do whatever the left likes to do to such people.  But then dickweed doubles down.
In another video uploaded earlier this year from the same facility, Sims walks up to three teenage girls who were there to pray and again asks if someone will identify them.
“I’ve got $100 to anyone who will identify these three. I’m going to donate to Planned Parenthood,” the lawmaker said of the girls. 
Doxing teenaged girls?  Got to tell you, Jefferson Davis, I don't see that going over well.

UPDATE: This explains this turd quite well.


  1. Well, look what I found ion the intertubes: "Doxing is always illegal, whether it is done against a federal employee, a state employee, or a regular person. There are federal and state laws that specifically address doxing government employees. With regular citizens, doxing falls under various state criminal laws, such as stalking, cyberstalking, harassment, threats, and other such laws, depending on the state."

    I would also go a little further and suggest that people being taped w/o their permission, especially if the stuff winds up on You Tube is definitely lawsuit-worthy.

    Teenage girls?!!??? As in, ...MINORS...!! This guy could find himself in a pile o' trouble.

  2. Somebody would have to file a complaint -- either the lady with the rosary, or the teenage girls, or their parents.

    Plus, the legislature should censure this creep. They won't, because he's a Democrat.

  3. The Democratic Party has decayed into a collecting pool of the worst people in America, so this is no surprise. Thirty-odd years ago, he'd have gotten positive feedback from obnoxious people enmeshed in the gay subculture. Now he gets positive feedback from the ordinary run of professional-managerial class bourgeois of the sort who populate his district (an inner-city constituency which is about 15% black and hispanic). The secular decline in the moral quality of our fancy people noted.

  4. OT, but the population of Ilhan Omar's constituency is 67% non-hispanic white and has household income levels slightly above the national mean. Somalis are < 4% of the citizen population therein. Rashida Tlaib's is 56% black; about 4% of the citizen population of Wayne County, Michigan is Arab. Can someone tell me how the actual residents of these districts are ably represented by malicious ethnic particularists whose mentality is wholly foreign to their voters? Or is it the white bourgeois of Minneapolis fancy Omar's so 'edgy' and cute and those bourgeois are of one mind with the slum blacks in Detroit in wanting to flash an upraised middle finger at the rest of us?

  5. Well, the white bourgeois of Omar's district were perfectly happy to send the odious Keith Ellison to Congress before her.

  6. Aye. Quondam Farrakhan votary (about whom there's a credible allegations that he behaves like Ike Turner in domestic circumstances).

    The worthless slugs who run the Republican congressional caucuses throw Steve King under the bus, and he's a perfectly decent chap.

  7. It gets worse. The "clinic" where Sims harassed these people is the largest PP abortion operation in Pennsylvania, and has failed over half of its recent inspections, including serious violations, without any penalty:


    One hopes it's not as bad as the Gosnell horror.

  8. The husband and father has notified police.


    The state representative should be charged, but I suppose he won't be.
