Tuesday, May 21, 2019


Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney (Dumbass-New York) provides yet another choice piece of infanticidalist illogic and stupidity.

Dear Carolyn,

Until men can both have babies and/or ever get an equal say on whether or not those babies live or die, you REALLY might want to dial this one back.

UPDATE: A "Roman Catholic" writer named Matthew Schmitz tweeted the following.

So what exactly is that thing in there, Matty?  A fiddlehead fern?

UPDATE: It was suggested in the comments that maybe Matt was being sarcastic.  If he was, there's a lot of really inept sarcasm going around.

And if US abolitionists had been "reasonable" instead of forcing the South to secede, the US never would have had a civil war and 600,000 American lives would have been spared agonizing deaths.  Granted, this country would have had slavery well into 20th Century but hey, if you want to make a "reasonable" omelette...

Jon, I can't believe you think that's a legitimate argument to make about anything at all.  After all, if people had wings, we could go ahead and do away with the air travel industry. But one more thing, Jon.  When are you going to officially convert to Episcopalianity?  Lord knows, it sounds as though the Episcopal deity would be a much better fit for you.


  1. What are those little things? Fish? Democrats are saying openly now that babies aren't human.

  2. Schmitz remains on the masthead at First Things. Hmmmm....

  3. I think Schmitz was attempting to jab NPR and made a hash of it. Here's what he was quoting:


  4. Dear Matthew Schmitz,

    No one ever goes up to a pregnant woman and asks, "How's the fetus?" It's always, "How's the baby?" Women almost always develop a relationship with the unborn baby almost from the time they learn that they're pregnant.

  5. Katherine,

    Democrats are desperately flailing about with these arguments. I think the tide has begun to turn against Roe.

  6. TLM, I do hope that Democrat candidates are going too far. Even people who think of themselves as "pro-choice" are horrified by late-term abortion.

  7. That Merritt guy, according to his Twitter account, just spent a retreat or something with a lot of Episcopal priests, so he's on the way, Chris.

    As to "if men could get pregnant," when I was a young woman, pre-1973, I knew that if I had sex I risked pregnancy. It's a lot easier to be promiscuous now with the availability of the Pill, but back then, most women thought hard before hopping in the sack. So, that's what could be done. Realize that actions have consequences, and behave accordingly.

  8. Katherine,
    Like so many other things that the "progressives" have foisted upon us, the abortion movement was all about breaking up traditional families, specifically, about destroying Black families. This along with "entitlements," reparations, welfare, etc. have driven Blacks right onto the Federal Plantation.

    Oh, and by the way, Chris, the latest studies that I've read indicate that slavery would have disappeared by the mid-1880's due to market forces brought about by the Industrial Revolution.

    So, sad to say, but it seems we maybe didn't need to fight that war at all. I wonder how the South would be different today if the "flower of their youth" hadn't mostly all died in that war.

  9. I don't think he was being sarcastic. The quotation is from NPR's style memoranda. I think he was showcasing it, not subscribing to it himself.

    Jonathan Merritt is a Vichy evangelical who has long been a contributor to Religion News Service. Religion News Service was (last time I checked) receiving 55% of its funding from the Arcus Foundation, an outfit run by a quondam Obama Administration functionary (and pederast enabler) Kevin Jennings. It's surprising when something he says isn't hackneyed or inane.
