Friday, May 24, 2019


Missouri joins the club.

Add Missouri to the list of states with strict new laws on abortion. Gov. Mike Parson on Friday signed a measure banning the procedure after eight weeks, with no exceptions for rape or incest, reports the Hill. As with laws in other states, including Alabama and Georgia, legal challenges await. Proponents of the law hope those challenges will eventually end up in the Supreme Court and lead to an overturning of Roe v. Wade. The law is "a strong message to the nation that here in Missouri, we will always stand for life, protect women’s health and advocate for the unborn," said Parson.

Will any of these laws stand up?  Doubtful given Supreme Court jurisprudence.  But one could say the same thing about the recent Infanticidalist push in Virginia, New York and Vermont to allow abortions right up to the very moment before the umbilical cord is cut.  And if you propose or pass laws like that, you have no right to be shocked by laws like these.

UPDATE: The Infanticidalists push all-in.


  1. If a woman is raped, she should go immediately to get a medical exam and, probably, a "morning after" pill. This idea might offend very strict pro-lifers, but most people, knowing the physical toll and risks of pregnancy, would not object to a woman who has been assaulted taking steps to avoid a possible pregnancy. She should also report the rape to the police.

    A woman who has voluntary sex knows within three or four weeks of the event that she's not menstruating, even if her system is pretty irregular. There are other signs as well. While I think that women who voluntarily participate in the act which makes babies should give the babies life if possible, politically speaking, the kind of law that most Americans could live with would allow elective abortion up to about twelve weeks, like Europe.

    The Democrat candidates are revealing just how radical their party has become. Most Americans find elective late-term abortion appalling. I find Democrats appalling.

  2. Katherine,
    True, but remember that with Democrats, it's never about the issue, it's always about the agenda. In this case, destroying normal human relations, normal family life, and especially destroying Black families.

  3. Matt Kennedy had an interesting thread going just yesterday (on Facebook) about abortion. Several of the commenters noted that in order to achieve the ultimate goal, it might have to be done incrementally. We need to remember that when Roe was first passed, it was much more restrictive than abortion laws allow now.

    Plus, it's also good to keep in mind that some of the current highly restrictive abortion laws are being passed simply to get this brought before the Supreme Court. (But you knew that...)

  4. Yes, TLM, politics is, as the saying goes, the art of the possible. Outlawing abortion entirely will simply not be possible for many years to come. Limiting its legality to the early weeks, and continuing to educate people on what killing babies entails, is the best we can do at this time -- and that first part, only if the SC is willing to admit it made a mistake in getting involved in this.
